Where did I start?
I originally started out as a hairdresser in The north laines Of Brighton. I then got into barbering in an old traditional barbershop not far from where my original Teddy Edwards shop now stands.
Proudest moment?
When Teddy Edwards was shortlisted for British barbershop of the year and almost on a weekly basis when I see both shops running at capacity- The vibe is amazing, I never take it for granted.
Me in one word:
Any advice for beginners?
To make sure you cut your teeth at the best place you can find. Look for a shop that is also business minded and gets involved in other areas. Diversity in this trade is everything.
What would I change?
Absolutely nothing, its sad to say, but I’ve only ever learnt from my fuck ups, and I wouldn’t trade experience for anything else. I love the constant learning process of being not just a barber, but also a business owner and manager too.